
Hi – I’m Anthony!

And I will help you learn about your dreams…

Welcome ! In this blog I teach you how to interpret your dreams. I believe dreams DO have meaning and can reveal a lot about your unconscious mind. I created this site to provide an easy-to-understand interpretation guide for anyone interested in their dreams. Dreaming focuses on unresolved emotionally important events of the day. Recalling and interpreting them can yield better personal development and help you use the powerful self-knowledge hidden in your dreams. I hope this guide takes you to a better place…

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dream about unknown girl who you fall in love with

Dream About An Unknown Girl Who You Fall In Love With (Decipher Now!)

Dreams are subjective and have different meanings for different people, but we’ve all had dreams about love… Many researchers have found that dreams tend to reflect thoughts and even worries we carry over from our waking life. So, if you’re dreaming about falling in love with an unknown girl, it has some bearing on your reality. …
READ MORE… Dream About An Unknown Girl Who You Fall In Love With (Decipher Now!)
dream about the moon falling from the sky

Dream About The Moon Falling From The Sky (Ominous meaning?)

An apocalyptic dream where you see the moon falling from the sky can be disconcerting.  Understandably, a dream like this may leave you worried about negative readings and potential disasters coming your way! But dreaming of the moon falling does not necessarily mean the future looks ominous. Moon dreams are powerful messages, as the moon…
READ MORE… Dream About The Moon Falling From The Sky (Ominous meaning?)
dream of being kidnapped and escaping meaning

Dream Of Being Kidnapped And Escaping (What’s The Meaning?)

Dreaming you are kidnapped and escaping can be frightening, and you may wake up feeling panicked and worried.  Nightmares can often leave people concerned about their true meaning.  However, these dreams try to turn your attention to something about your lifestyle you need to change. Dreaming about being kidnapped and imprisoned usually indicates that something…
READ MORE… Dream Of Being Kidnapped And Escaping (What’s The Meaning?)