Hi – I’m Anthony!
And I will help you learn about your dreams…
Welcome ! In this blog I teach you how to interpret your dreams. I believe dreams DO have meaning and can reveal a lot about your unconscious mind. I created this site to provide an easy-to-understand interpretation guide for anyone interested in their dreams. Dreaming focuses on unresolved emotionally important events of the day. Recalling and interpreting them can yield better personal development and help you use the powerful self-knowledge hidden in your dreams. I hope this guide takes you to a better place…

Is It True If You See Someone In Your Dream They Miss You?
Seeing someone you know in a dream may make you wonder if there is some connection between the two of you. Many people believe this dream indicates that you are in their thoughts. But is it possible that you dream about them because they miss you? There are several ways to interpret a dream where…
Dream Of Hugging Someone (Find Out What It Means!)
Hugging dreams are one of the more pleasant dreams to experience. Still, the true meaning depends on the unique symbols and emotions involved. Of course, dreams of hugging someone often symbolize an affectionate nature… While embracing someone in a dream may sound pleasant, sometimes this affectionate act gets flipped! Instead of cuddling your crush or…
Dream About Escaping A Sinking Car (Discover The Meaning!)
I recently had a terrible nightmare where I was trapped in a car sinking into an icy river! As I fought to escape, I woke up from my dream, still gasping for breath. If you’ve experienced similar nightmares, you probably want to know how this feels! A sinking car in a dream may symbolize mounting…
What Does It Mean When You Dream About Fighting A Stranger?
Dreams can be so confusing that we feel overwhelmed by them. When we dream about conflict situations, these feelings can intensify. Nevertheless, most psychologists and philosophers think dreams provide insight into our subconscious emotions and desires. Since dreams can tell us a lot about who we are and the emotional space we find ourselves in,…
Dreaming of Falling In Love (Your Deepest Desires Interpreted!)
Falling in love is a profoundly intimate thing that can be a beautiful experience or a genuinely traumatic one. Dreams that pertain to falling in love can leave you feeling confused, especially if you’re already in a relationship with someone. So, what do they mean? According to Carl Jung, the famed psychoanalyst, our dreams are…
Dreams Of Falling In Love With A Stranger (Unveil the Truth!)
Fairy tales often tell the story of love at first sight, so the idea of falling in love with a stranger isn’t that new. If you dream about falling in love with someone you’ve never met, you probably wonder what this means? Carl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst, suggested that encounters with strangers in your dreams relate…