
Hi – I’m Anthony!

And I will help you learn about your dreams…

Welcome ! In this blog I teach you how to interpret your dreams. I believe dreams DO have meaning and can reveal a lot about your unconscious mind. I created this site to provide an easy-to-understand interpretation guide for anyone interested in their dreams. Dreaming focuses on unresolved emotionally important events of the day. Recalling and interpreting them can yield better personal development and help you use the powerful self-knowledge hidden in your dreams. I hope this guide takes you to a better place…

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friendly tiger dream meaning

Friendly Tiger Dream Meaning (Embrace Your Feline Side!)

Tigers are potent dream symbols, and dreaming of a friendly tiger can have several meanings.  This kind of dream has unique interpretations when you dream of such a powerful creature, but they are affectionate or playful.  Tigers can symbolize power, wisdom, sexuality, and uncertainty. But when a tiger is friendly in your dream, this has…
READ MORE… Friendly Tiger Dream Meaning (Embrace Your Feline Side!)
dream of healing someone

What Does It Mean If I Dream of Healing Someone? (Unlock The Secret!)

Famous psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, stated that dreams were a road to the unconscious, derived from our waking lives and revealing our unconscious desires.  In his theory of dreams, Freud explained that many desires and impulses are repressed in waking life but come to light in our dream state. However, dreaming about something as life-changing as healing…
READ MORE… What Does It Mean If I Dream of Healing Someone? (Unlock The Secret!)