What Does It Mean When You Dream About Dyeing Your Hair?

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Dyeing Your Hair?

When we dream of something strange or out of character, we feel unsure and sometimes even unsettled, wondering what it means. Many theorists suggest that dreams represent what we’re currently experiencing in waking life and, more importantly, our emotional state.  Collecting our dreams and analyzing their symbolism compared to our waking life is a method…

Dream I Can’t Find My Way Out Of A Building (Unlock The Meaning!)

Dream I Can’t Find My Way Out Of A Building (Unlock The Meaning!)

Last night I dreamed I was locked in a building, and every door I opened led to another room with no way to escape.  If you’ve had similar dreams, you know how nightmarish they can become. Doors are important symbols in dreams and can have different meanings. Unsurprisingly, being trapped in a dream echoes feeling…

Dream About Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes (Discover The Meaning!)

Dream About Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes (Discover The Meaning!)

I had this bizarre dream where I was wearing an outfit I would never choose in real life! It was old-fashioned, way too big, and excessively baggy. I felt ridiculous! And very self-conscious…  When I woke up, I realized I’d been dreaming about wearing someone else’s clothes. Sometimes it feels as though the things we…

Dream Of Someone Apologizing To Me (Uncover The Meaning!)

Dream Of Someone Apologizing To Me (Uncover The Meaning!)

Have you dreamed about a person asking forgiveness for something they did to you? Could your brain be warning you about something when you dream about an apology? I sometimes dream about apologizing to others (often for things I haven’t done!) and I wonder if my subconscious mind is focusing on my fear of doing…

What’s It Mean When You See Yourself Sleeping In Your Dream?

What’s It Mean When You See Yourself Sleeping In Your Dream?

Most people are okay with the idea of dreaming, and while we all have nightmares from time to time, sometimes we dream the strangest things.  This may be the case when you dream about seeing yourself sleeping – it feels pretty strange to consider that you’d be able to dream about yourself in the same…

Is It Normal To Hear Music In Your Dreams? (Mystery Solved!)

Is It Normal To Hear Music In Your Dreams? (Mystery Solved!)

Have you ever fallen asleep and dreamed of a beautiful melody, only to wake up with the last notes fading from your mind?  Some people are fortunate to hear music and sound vividly in their dreams, but surprisingly, it’s pretty rare.  If you’ve been lucky enough to dream of music, you probably want to know…