Dreaming Of A Full Moon (Mysterious Meanings!)

If you’re dreaming about a full moon, it’s not surprising, as the moon has long been a common motif in many cultures.
In this article, I’ll look at common readings that will help guide you to an answer.
What Does A Full Moon Symbolize In Dreams
In general, the moon represents the cyclical nature of life. A full moon in a dream symbolizes hope, especially if you are going through a difficult phase of your waking life. The moon is a powerful symbol in dreams and often represents change.
The image of the full moon resonates with people. We see it appear in art, music, and as a powerful magical symbol. For thousands of years, the moon has helped humanity track the months and the changing year, so it is woven into our society.
So if you’re wondering what dreaming about a full moon means, you’ll also need to examine how you view the moon as a symbol.

Key Takeaways & Possible Meanings:
- Symbolic Nature of the Moon in Dreams:
- Represents the cyclical nature of life.
- Full moon symbolizes hope, change, and often appears in various cultural motifs.
- Interpreting Full Moon Dreams:
- Consider personal associations with the moon, such as female power, serenity, or the passage of time.
- Signs of Upcoming Changes:
- Dreaming of a full moon may indicate upcoming changes in life, be it physical, spiritual, or related to the passage of time.
- Feeling Complete or Uncertain:
- Full moon dreams may signify contentment and completion of a phase or project.
- Uncertainty may be suggested if there are two full moons in the dream, indicating wavering decisions.
- Ambition and Fear:
- Leaping toward the full moon symbolizes high ambitions.
- A red full moon might signify fear of impending troubles or personal conflicts.
- Dreaming of a Huge Full Moon:
- Increased size indicates subconscious emphasis on the moon’s symbolism.
- Focus on emotions experienced in the dream, as the full moon may represent the feminine, creative, fertile, or mysterious aspects of oneself.
- Full Red Moon in Dream:
- May warn of trouble or personal conflicts.
- Indicates overshadowing of creative, spiritual, or feminine aspects, suggesting a need to let those aspects shine again.
- Dreaming of Two Full Moons:
- Indicates conflicting interests or desires.
- Equal-sized moons suggest an even more challenging decision-making process.
- Implies a journey of transitions leading to fulfillment.
- Spiritual Meaning of Full Moon Dreams:
- The moon symbolizes the divine and mysterious.
- Encourages attention to one’s spiritual journey.
- The moon’s light represents illumination, promise of enlightenment, and potential success in spiritual goals.
- Misty halo around the moon suggests careful consideration of doubts and reconnection with one’s spirit and divinity.
Freud used dream interpretation as part of his psychoanalysis techniques and used our associations with symbols to find a deeper meaning in the metaphor of dreams. The full moon has many powerful associations and can have varied interpretations.
Upcoming Changes in Your Life
Dreaming of a full moon can indicate the passing of time and the change of seasons. There may be a change coming in your life. If you are a woman, you may be approaching perimenopause or menopause, as the lunar cycle is often explicitly associated with the feminine cycle.
You may face a spiritual change of heart, as the moon is often linked to mystery, magic, and divinity.
You Feel Complete
While a new moon can symbolize beginnings, in contrast, a full moon shows completion. You may feel content with your life, serene in your place in the universe.
Perhaps you have recently completed a project you’re proud of or have gone through a process of change and have reached the end of your journey.
A pregnant woman may dream of a full moon as her time draws near—the full moon is an image of feminine power, and the ‘fullness’ may be a direct wordplay on the state of your pregnancy. (Your subconscious often uses puns to get its meaning across!)
You Feel Uncertain About Something
Because the moon waxes and wanes, it can symbolize instability, especially in morals and emotions. You could be wavering over something and feeling undecided about your direction. This is an especially pertinent reading if you see two full moons in your dream.
The moon’s gravity controls the ebb and flow of the tide, and with two moons, you will feel like you are being pulled in two opposing directions at once.
So it’s time to look carefully at the choice you need to make before deciding your path.
You Are Ambitious
If you are leaping up to try and touch the full moon, you are aiming high for your goals. Your ambitions are sky-high! This isn’t bad—the emotions in your dream and what happens next also play a large part in the meaning.
Suppose you feel excitement and joy while leaping toward the moon. In that case, this indicates that following your ambitions is a good choice.
On the other hand, worrying about falling and crashing to the ground could point toward your fears of failure.
You are Worried About the Future
When a full moon appears in the heavens with all the stars and a red sun, this strange and unnatural occurrence is most likely rooted in the fear that something disastrous is about to occur.
For example, you may be worried about family troubles or significant upheavals like war or climate crisis.
Fear is one of our principal emotions and is often a prompt for dream symbolism. Emotions almost always occur in dreams; most often, these are negative, with fear being the most common overall. This could be a way for our mind to regulate the anxiety we feel in our waking life.
What Does a Dream Of A Huge Full Moon Mean?

When your subconscious wants you to pay particular attention to a symbol in a dream, it may disproportionately increase the size of that symbol. In this case, your psyche wants you to focus on the moon and what it represents.
It’s a good idea to write down all the details surrounding your dream about the moon, particularly the emotions you experienced. A full moon may represent an aspect of yourself, particularly:
- the feminine,
- creative,
- fertile,
- and mysterious part of you.
Your subconscious may want you to focus on a particular aspect of your life.
Perhaps you have been neglecting creative pursuits or need to take time to encourage the feminine aspects of your personality.
The full moon is also associated with madness and wildness—think of werewolves turning at full moon, or lunatic, meaning “moon-struck.”
The reading here can have two opposite meanings, depending on your emotions and what is happening in your waking life:
- It could be a warning that you are acting a little off-balance and taking risks,
- Or it may encourage you to let go and live freer.
Seeing a Full Red Moon In Dream Meaning
A full red moon results from a lunar eclipse and can have two common interpretations.
- First, a blood moon may warn you of trouble and strife—personal or global.
You may be fighting with friends or family and feeling anxious about it, or perhaps you are reading news of national or global conflict and are worried about the future.
- Another interpretation of an eclipse is that you or something in your life is overshadowing the creative, spiritual, or feminine part of your personality.
So you may want to consider letting those parts shine again.
What Is The Meaning When You Dream About Two Full Moons
Two full moons indicate conflicting interests or desires pulling you in opposing directions.
If the moons are the same size, they exert equal influence in your life, making your choice even more difficult.
This lunar dream can also show that you are on a journey of transitions, and you will move from one complete state to another. This change could be spiritual, emotional, or physical, but you don’t need to panic about this transition—in the end, you will feel whole and your purpose fulfilled.
Dreaming Of A Full Moon – Spiritual Meaning
A full moon has many spiritual meanings; the moon has, since antiquity, been seen as a symbol of the divine and mysterious. So a full moon in your dream may mean you should pay more attention to your spiritual journey through life.
The moon is a strong force that may pull you to consider some part of your life you have ignored.
But, the moon also quite literally shines a light in the darkness. It may be a beacon for you, showing that even in troubled times, there is illumination—someone will be there to help you.
The full moon’s light also promises enlightenment and fulfillment, and you may reach the apex of your spiritual journey. Especially if the dream is happy and peaceful, you can read this dream as one about joy and success in your goals.
If you see a misted halo around the moon, this encourages you to think carefully about your next steps. For example, if you doubt yourself, the halo indicates you need to question where these doubts come from and what steps you can take to regain your faith.
Alternatively, a halo can represent holiness, and you feel more connected with your spirit and divinity.